

Do you have a question about volunteering with the YIES PTO? Please send an email to yiespto@gmail.com

Are you a teacher or staff member that needs some volunteer help?

Please contact Kristy Cooper at yiespto@gmail.com


Every classroom volunteer at Ypsilanti international Elementary school must complete a background check per YCS policy. Volunteers must submit a new form each year. Forms can be picked up in the school main office.

YIES Science Olympiad 2023

YIES Science Olympiad 2023!

Volunteer by emailing Ms. Page at jpage3@ycschools.us

Sign your child up at this link: 


Can you help us pop? We need you! Sign up to pop popcorn on Thursday afternoons between 1-6pm (whatever portion of that window fits your schedule) or bag and collect $ on Fridays from 9-11am.

 PTO Popcorn Crew

We are in the middle of the 2023 Read-a-thon! If you have a student that you haven't registered yet you can do that here https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/RYLjSu  If you need assistance please reach out to the PTO a yiespto@gmail.com and we'd be happy to help you get your Reader Registered.

Promoting YIES - Get Involved Today!

Current volunteer and donation needs (updated  11/2023)


The PTO has a monthly newsletter highlighting  PTO events and volunteer opportunities. We need someone who can put it together and/or make copies and distribute  once a month to the teacher mailboxes. If this could be you, email yiespto@gmail.com.

Website Upkeep 

We need help with keeping our PTO website updated regularly. This is great for anyone who does not have a lot of free time to volunteer outside of their home.

Event Promotion

Help spread the word about upcoming YIES events! Promoting can be done with email announcements/reminders, facebook promoting, flyer creations, and staffing some events. 

Fall/Spring Bottle Drive

For one month in the fall and spring we will collect and return bottles to go toward the 5th grade annual camping trip. 

​On Fridays we need volunteers to collect cans at pick up and on Saturdays we need crews of volunteers to return the bottles and cans at the Carpenter Road Meijer from 8-10 a.m. All ages welcome. Email yiespto@gmail.com if you're interested in helping for Spring 2020. 

Family Nights

Throughout the year, YIES hosts themed night for students and families: Literacy Night, Math Night & International Night. Email yiespto@gmail.com if you're interested. 


Each year the YIES PTO helps host a Read-a-Thon and book fair. PTO members volunteer at the book fair and help raise funds for the PTO. As a bonus,  every student at YIES receives a free book.  2019 raised more than $5000 profit! This allows us to fund a library intern and support our school with books! Congratulations to teachers Spinnelli & VanEgmond who will receive $250 each toward their classrooms as well as a pizza party! 


Each year the YIES student council organizes and YIES students participate in a walk-a-thon to help support YIES, community and the world. Past walk-a-thons have raised money towards: a buddy bench and a gaga pit for the playground in Prospect park, a water bottle station for YIES, money the Humane Society of Huron Valley and funds to send to a school in Puerto Rico. The PTO helps raise funds to provide t-shirts for all YIES teachers and students to proudly wear to the event.

Popcorn Fridays

**Thursday afternoon and Friday morning volunteers needed**

We need your help! Thursdays at pickup time we pop as much as we can and Friday mornings we pop, bag and deliver between 8 and 10:30. Sign-up for what you are able to. If you are available for even an hour, that is fine. Please email yiespto@gmail.com with any questions. Sign up here

Dine to Donate Fundraisers

Local restaurants generously partner with the YIES PTO to raise money for the school. The PTO needs help promoting these events and providing fun activities for families that attend.

Have an idea for a committee? Make it a reality! Email yiespto@gmail.com to get involved. 

Bottle Drive

Dine to Donate

Family Nights

Literacy Week

Math Night

Scholastic Book Fair


Popcorn Fridays

YIES Beautification