Meeting Minutes
YIES PTO Meeting
Wednesday March 13, 2024
6:00 – 7:15pm
YIES Cafeteria
Meeting called by: Parents and Teachers of YIES
Facilitated by: Kristen Teasdale and Mike Fry.
6:15pm – 6:25pm General welcome and introductions – Mike Fry
Started by Mike at 6:15 who gave a description of Blooming YIES – a social mixer for parents to get to know each other and the staff and teachers. A celebration of the end of the school year to thank the teachers and staff. Helps build the YIES community and just partially a fundraiser. It’s at Corner Brewery at May 31st. Tickets are $50 upfront. There are reduced cost tickets if you speak with your kid’s teachers. There is a silent auction at the event that we are taking donations for, we got a pool pass to Rutherford, an under desk elliptical machine, better made chips. Other community company donations. Reminder for the raffle tickets 1 for $10 or 6 for $50. Prior years we’ve picked a subject area and helped a teacher in that area – climbing wall, kiln, music instruments. This year we are doing the IB Discovery Learning Hallway
6:25-6:35pm Ms. Flott discusses the IB hallways setup. Recommends Edutopia for education ideas. She found a school that’s done an educational hallway on Edutopia and will have input from the students as well. Will cover one wall with a whiteboard and there are stations along the hall. A rotating library of one of the 6 themes of the IB school year as one of the stations. Maybe dress up clothes for children from different parts of the world. Mr. Wingfield showed a portable cooking station you could get for the classes to come and use. Will be getting idea from the teachers as well for dramatic play, stem ideas – Lego robots. There are coding balls that move where you’ve sent them to as a stem possibility. The teachers would sign up for a time for the stations. Sign up as a class or grade level. Or better yet to have cross age activities with 1st and 4th grade, 2nd and 5th, etc. We have K doing reading buddies with the 5th grade so we have some inner classroom interaction but we’re looking for more. There is no alternative location that is available for the IB hallway. We are already crammed and Spanish and science are already on carts and move to the classrooms. IB units used to be 6-8 weeks now they have relaxed the length as of a few years ago so some are 3-4 weeks and some are longer. The 6 units are on top at the board of inquiry. The yellow star has the unit they are currently on for each grade. Not everyone is on the same unit at the same time. Ms. Maggie had to leave but wanted to let us know they love the squeeze machine and Ms. Flott elaborated that it’s used by students outside of Ms. Maggie’s room as well. It’s a hit all around.
6:35pm – 6:45pm Current Business
Yearbook – Request pictures from parents to add for events we may have missed? Please send any pictures you have to Will setup a dropbox as well.
PTO Newsletter details – e version went out last week. Will have clubs, volunteer activities, please let us know if you have a school staff or district question, please let us know and we’ll try to get the nformation out to all. There will be a backpack flyer. Not a district thing – just parents trying to get all the information together with as much detail as we can get.
Teacher Classroom Volunteer form – How do we coordinate and verify backgrounds? – weekly volunteer, daily volunteer, you can absolutely volunteer in other classrooms than your own kid to not distract your own kid. You can help a special teacher, possibly adding a comment box so you can specify what you want to help out with or time and day.
6:45 – 6:55pm Past business Teacher Gift List status update – opening as a spring wish list because a lot of teachers still had items to add and thought they were too late. You can donate money if you don’t have time, click their amazon list or do the baby registry format of “I’m buying this” and bring it in for them. Will keep it open another month.
5th Grade Camp (Snowball/Fundraiser update) – great job by the 5th grade putting on the dance, everyone loved it. Ms Eccles has raised quite a bit. The current fund is sitting at their goal (>$5000). Trying to add more funds so that next year doesn’t start from scratch.
Finances – yes fund updated, 13000, $400 in the 5th grade graduation fund, $500 for teacher class participation, $250 for second. You get credit for all volunteering at the school.
6:55 – 7:00pm Future business
*Teacher Appreciation Week – May 6-10 PTO feeds the teachers during that week. *Walkathon – May – should be the second week of May during the day during the recess schedule. Kathlynn Beal will coordinate it. Raised the money for soccer goals. *Blooming YIES – May 31
*5th Grade Graduation – Last week of school
*End of the Year PTO Bash/Meeting & Field Day Event – June – more information to come
GrizzlyBot – it came from the School District not the school, George Lopez is who you direct questions to, not YIES itself.
7:00– 7:05pm Reminders Box Tops and Kroger fundraising tools – connect your Kroger plus card in the app to the YIES PTO. IF you see other items that are fundraising ideas like Carpenter Elementary currently has the round up for OfficeMax/Staples for the entire year, we’re applying to be the beneficiary for 2025. We made $1000 from the Maiz fundraiser in January with the $500 raise and their match.
Question regarding the substitute policy. Seems to be remove a teacher from one class/special. Is it a funding issue or is it a School District issue? Answer is it’s a District issue. Further backstory: for December- February there was a teacher was out and the building Sub and para-pro were specific to that class. But the sub is only part time. Input from parent Kissimmee who is a sub at Estabrook – some schools only have 1 sub for the building. The Subs get the choice to pick up the job. Question from parent: “There isn’t a district wide group to pull from?” Kissimmee answer: Edustaff is hiring site for Ypsi and Ann Arbor schools. Ann Arbor subs make $250 a day while Ypsi pays $125 a day. So there is but if there is a opening at A2 it is usually filled over YCS. Recommendation to attend School Board meetings to raise concerns. Is there a grant that can be applied for to get further funding?
2023 PTO Meetings: Apr 10th, May 8th, June date to close out year TBD
YIES PTO Meeting
Tuesday February 21st, 2024
6:05 – 7:15pm
YIES Cafeteria
Meeting called by: Parents and Teachers of YIES
Facilitated by: Jeremy Lewis, YIES PTO Pres.
6:05pm – 6:10pm Principal Sheriff Opening -
Reminder of the 5th grade students to do their WIMA application before February 29th. Although we do have priority enrollment you do have to get the application in by the deadline. If you miss the deadline there is no YIES partnership priority and we can’t do anything to help after that date. Application has been open since November for WIMA. If you need assistance such as internet access, we can assist here at YIES.
YIES enrollment K-4 reentry is open and due by March 1st. It’s a survey that reserves your slot. Sibling priority needs to be done through a survey as well which is also due March 1st. Need the numbers for projected numbers prior to enrollment applications which are done in April (opens on April 1st).
Kindergarten Round Up starts tomorrow February 22nd and will have every month up to May. Lottery starting in June for any grades that we have more applicants than slot available for that grade level.
Snowball this Friday for K-5. Math night – February 28th
6:15pm – 6:05pm General welcome and introductions
6:10pm – 6:40pm Current Business
Winter Dance – this Friday February 23rd –could use about 5 more volunteers for chaperones
Bake Sale – February 27 – has to be in the hallway outside of the polling area. Sell water, coffee, bread and baked goods. Can be dropped off in the morning, signup sheet will be out tonight.
Math Night – February 28th. Is 6-8 with pizza and raffle tickets.
Yearbook – Plan for pictures. Submit the pictures for the yearbook that are authorized. Pictures of clubs and math night are needed. Please let us know if you want to volunteer. There is software that needs to be updated for the format but it’s fairly easy.
4th/5th Grade Popcorn Club – Kristen – Kids have asked about helping with popcorn but the logistics of them with after school programs. Looking for teachers to help get the kids get organized. If interested send an email to YIES PTO
4th/5th Grade Gardening Club – Kristen – Blooming YIES has previous made money for the garden but getting a club together for seed starting and rebuilding the garden and planting. Possible seedling sale over the summer. Since the school is closed over the summer there are summer maintenance concerns, but they could be sold at the end of the school year. The YIES Girl Scouts volunteers to do the garden maintenance.
Book Fair – March 4th-8th – please come and volunteer. Sign up genius:
Science Olympiad – currently going on, Ms Paige will take more volunteers for event help and day of Ann Arbor meet
Girls on the Run – Registration may still be open? Checking to see if there are still spots and if it’s 2-5 or 3-5.
6:40 – 6:50pm Blooming YIES Update – Jeremy
- Raffle tickets are in hand and ready to be sold. Last year we sold 6-700 in 2 weeks, we’re getting well ahead of the plan now. Can pay venmo or paypal. $10 for one or 6 for $50. If you are interested in selling tickets please get them from Jeremy – you don’t have to commit to sell them all, just do what you can. Working with the teachers to get names of families that may need tickets but can’t afford. We have childcare at the school with the Adventure Center providing the teachers. They will be fully credentialed. Ticket gives you a meal and a drink ticket. There is also a silent auction. There are some crafts for the learning garden as well. You get to hang out with the teachers without your kids. We have the inside and half of the outside for the event. Age range for the childcare is only for kids that are in YIES, suggested donation of $10 for childcare. If you pay for tickets through venmo or paypal put “Raffle tickets” or “Blooming YIES” in the memo line. Silent auction items by May 15th. All items are welcome for the silent auction. We’re shooting for over 100 attendees this year, there were ~60 attendees last year. Kristen is helping with day of stuff but we are also looking for volunteers for that day.
Stem hallway, sensory board/room? Need to think about the logistics. Or make an IB experience fund, you can do a garden or sensory room, teachers can reach out for like “hey I want to take the kids to the Ann Arbor Hands on Museum” and use the funds for more kids to do more Field Trips. Asking Ms. Spinelli and Ms Eccles what they think they want the remaining funds for. Sarah Flott says it’s an IB experience hallway so the items would be rotated out. Invite experiences into the school. Creating funds more than designating all of them Recommendation from K Beal is that every class has 2 desktop computers that are hardwired to the internet so that there is always backup technology. Flexible seating that is really expensive and every teacher wants it. What’s the price to get them for checkout or a few for every class? Commercial furniture dealer to get a warranty for replacement parts and possibly get a discount if we buy enough in bulk. Possible flexible furniture. Eccles asked about IB School sign on Prospect – will email Aaron Rose on that. K Beal has a bunch of stuff to donate for the silent auction. How do we get the reading level up on the 3/4th grade that is behind. Need a bigger item that is in the news and a community needs that would get more tickets sold. Library upgrades, workroom. Drinking fountain that refills bottles. What does Administration think the one big thing the school needs? Teachers state they need PEOPLE more than stuff. Lunchroom updates. School beautification. Need more sensory pads and a quiet corner. What is the ACL classroom? Science carts for each room is a possible request, but not a big enough purchase for Blooming YIES funds.
Invite community leaders, Bright Futures, Black Men Lead, other active community folks to help build bridges and community connections. They can also have a table for engagement.
6:50 – 7:00pm Past business Teacher Gift List – there are still some openings, it will be reposted on the Facebook, email and discord.
Class participation incentive for teachers – everyone should fill out the link or QR code for teacher credit. Teacher with the most participation gets $500. Any event or help at the school can get credit.
Teacher representative updates
5th Grade Camp – the dance is part of the Fundraiser for that. April 15-16th in Howell.
7 – 7:15pm Future business
*Teacher Appreciation Week – May 6-10 – PTO provides lunch everyday that week.
*Walkathon – May – Kathlyn Beal is working on clearing up the date for that. She reached out to the Ypsi Running company that doesn’t exist really but wants to still help. They are a go. Checking the District and School calendar to get a couple dates as an option. Kathlyn will reach out to Ms. Eccles about the Student Council meeting to decide what the funds will be for.
Who gets the field trip request forms??
*Blooming YIES – May 31
*5th Grade Graduation – Meghan Wright- Jones the lead. Organizing a clap-out, t-shirts, other celebrations.
*End of the Year PTO Bash/Meeting & Field Day Event - June
7:00– 7:15pm Reminders
Box Tops - reminder to submit receipts in the app
Kroger – If you go through the Kroger website you can connect the YIES PTO charity for the rewards to be added to the schools account.
2023 PTO Meetings: Mar 13th, Apr 10th, May 8th, June date to close out year TBD
YIES PTO Meeting
Wednesday January 10th, 2024
6:00 – 7:15pm
YIES Cafeteria
Meeting called by: Parents and Teachers of YIES
Facilitated by: Jeremy Lewis, YIES PTO Pres.
6:06pm – 6:05pm General welcome and introductions sign in when at the school to reward p
6:05pm – 6:10pm Principal Sheriff Opening
6:10pm – 6:20pm Science Olympiad Season Kickoff– Jennifer Page. This is her 3rd year running the Olympiad and she is sharing with us her needs and expectations. (Flyer to be sent home and in newsletter) For grades 2-5 with 15 or so events. Some are specific for 2/3 and 4/5. They are all lumped in that way and some are acceptable for all grades. Teams are generally small. After school program is 3 months long and would start in 2 weeks in a perfect world but 3 weeks is doable and ideal. Anyone can participate in group 2-5. Teams will be picked for attendance 1-2 kids. Page with details of the team will be posted to the web page and Facebook. Needs additional instructors for “iCompute”. They should be in a different room at the same time. Flyers is on the website with signup and QR code. Needs coaches 2-3 parents for each event. You are dedicated to coming after school, there is some flexibility on that. Some can do it before school, one group last year was able to do it during school on Fridays. End of January to the end of April. And that involves a little bit of lesson planning, maybe knowing a little about the topic, and also she needs donations of supplies and after school snacks. We donated them last year with the PTO. Volunteers for April 20th to help at the event. Eccles questions – where is the event and is it everyday after school or some days? Volunteers last year were if you have a day you are free after school then you come to me and say I’m free Wednesday after school, I would like to do this event and Ms. Page puts you on that schedule If you have a second person then you have a co-coach. Not expected for every day, we don’t have a schedule yet because we don’t have volunteers yet. Need a background check like all other school volunteer activities. There were no real complaints last year so it went rather smoothly. The event is at Pioneer on April 20th. Event is all day but you don’t have to volunteer all day. They have 2 hour shifts. Everyone who wanted to compete last year got to participate in an event but maybe not in the event they necessarily wanted to. Kids last year could sign up for 2 after school events and it ran from 4:30-6 to account for snack and wrap up. Any adult who wants to help including community members and family members are welcome. High Schoolers can help but may not be able to be a leader necessarily. Mike asked how much we spent for snacks and we’ll check last year's accounts so PTO can budget and cover again. Looking for hopefully 30 volunteers. Parents tend to follow once their children are signed up. Mike made a motion for PTO to provide snacks again, motion was seconded and passed. We’re considered a title 1 school and were sponsored last year for registration and supplies by the Washtenaw County Science Olympiad. Reach out to Ms. Page for anything else needed.
6:25pm – 6:40pm Principal Sheriff – Food gatherers is tomorrow for distribution. Starts at 3pm, For those who have students that go home on the bus if you let us know we can make arrangements to put the produce on the bus. You can get it at the bus stop. Just give the office a call. Arrangements can be made for families with after school care as well. There are other distributions sites as well for mini pickups and office can help make arrangements. No School on Monday for MLK. Reminder for 5th grade families to get the WIMA applications in. We have time but there are quite a few steps to be completed and processed in the application. If all documentations are not in your application won’t be processed. YIES families do get priority enrollment if and only if you are fully submitted by the deadline by February 29th. If you aren’t submitted by the deadline you do not get priority enrollment. For YIES family our re enrollment for 24/25 starts next week with the reentry process. For new families you do not to re enroll but you do have to reserve your enrollment slot and that starts with the survey slot stating yes I plan to return or no thank you I will not be returning. That survey goes out next week and you have a month to fill It out. At the same time they will be asking for sibling enrollment because we do give priority for any siblings for the upcoming school year. We also have Maestra is a new Spanish teacher. Starting Jan 8th- Feb 9th is the winter math assessment. The Newsletter has video and information on the testing. Information from Dr. Michelle Rose- Armstrong – cultures Conscious Discipline from seed grant that we received a few years ago. Way of building social emotional in our students and ourselves. School is bringing parent university back with the same 10 sessions that they offer the teachers. 2nd and 4th Monday of the month in room 120 for parents. It has babysitting included for k-5 done by Ms Anderson for a fee. The link will be coming out by blast or newsletters. 30 seats will be open. If you sign up, be sure to come. There is room for make ups if needed but please come. Based on brain state training and dysregulation and composure. To take the 10 sessions would be $1000s plus travel so this is a real opportunity from Dr Becky Bailey. Starts in February from 5:30-7pm. There was a closing question if a departing 5th grader will get sibling priority for an incoming K? They would have to reapply. Reminder that WIMA and WIHigh share a building was stated in responses to a question.
6:40 pm - 6:50 pm Committee Updates
Yearbook – need to start an email thread to get the photographers into the school and get the club pictures taken.
Popcorn Friday Committee – Kristen - Sign up genius YCS calendar is wrong, backpack flyer is correct.
Building and Grounds Committee/Finance update – Mike Fry - Sign up genius – paused for impending snow that may or may not come. If you see anything in the park please pick it up. Finance update. He has the January updates. Sitting at 11,080.96 Only bought supplies since last meeting and pizza. There were 2 fund purchases – Holmes. YIES yes fund is at $1142.60 fund is for the teachers. Teachers please come and let us know if you need anything. Pizza party for the classes that won the read a thon. Motion made for a pizza party for classes that won the readathon. It has been approved. Will come out of the YIES YES fund. Read a thon Scholastic money was greatly appreciated. 5th grade graduation is at $400. Teachers are asking for donations.
Student Council - Mrs Eccles - The council has been working on getting some clubs back for the kids and the one that we have secured staff to lead is McVey leading a theater club. 8-10 2nd-5th grade council meeting yesterday. There were 96 students interested and they need a lot of parent and community support. Currently just 2-5 but willing to move to k-5. Megan Wright – Jones Parent Youth Theatre of MI in attendance. They have lights and speakers for the dance.
6:50pm-7pm Past business
Teacher Gift List – still working on getting the list finalized and posted online
5th Grade Camp and dance information from Ms. Eccles. Bagel Tuesday was only planned through December, we can talk about doing it again but it’s a lot of work for little return but we know the kids did love it. In addition the Winter dance party February 23rd 6-8pm here or in the gym or both. 5th graders are planning decorations with Eccles and Patton. Everyone will be invited. Tickets will be sold the weeks before - likely a $5 donation so if you can’t afford it you can still come. A suggested donation. Looking for food donations. This dance is just for fun and not a need for a date situation. 5th grade camp is Monday April 15th – Tuesday 16th at Howell Nature Center. It will be $80 a student, PTO will cover 50% and some parents have offered to sponsor others’ attendance. Earmark it as 5th grade camp. Parent volunteers are wanted – reminders for the background check.
Class participation incentive for teachers Points update – Spinelli is in the lead with 26, Baidani is in second with 18. Courtney is in the lead. Should we stagger the rule on points – 5 for meetings, 25 for popping popcorn.
January Maiz funds for rounding up and they will match the round up.
Blooming YIES Update – Jeremy Lewis
Silent auction update – Acadia was the grand master last year, looking for assistance this year. Silent auction prizes can be anything - $10 gift card to a brand new car. Some organizations will just give you items if you fill out a form.
Raffle tickets being printed out this week. Before we do the drawing, we need to count the number of tickets sold per each item.
Prize and auction update – Deep clean, E-bike kit, Yeti cooler with local beer, Solo stove with everything for your first fire. Ordering 1000 tickets and hoping to order more. You do not need to be present to win and we’re doing an online form.
Tickets are for sale on Eventbrite right now. Tickets are $50 and if you buy in January it’s $45 and some tickets are set aside for donations.
Committee meeting twice a month moving up to the event. The week after the PTO meeting. Email to come shortly at Library or Arbor etc. If you can help with any items you don't have to commit to a lot of things, just one thing is fine like take 100 tickets to sell, get the beer for the cooler, find the cooler or firepit. Reminder to get teacher tickets. Mainly trying to get more information in front of people sooner. Next Tuesday for the Blooming YIES planning committee meeting. Probably corner for this upcoming meeting.
Still need to nail down childcare, we do have the gym. Need background check and CPR.
25-50 tickets for donation to families that may not be able to afford a full ticket but we can do more if need be.
7:00pm– 7:05pm Future business
*5th grade camp April 15th-16th
*Teacher Appreciation Week – May 6-10
*Walkathon – May
*Blooming YIES – May 31
*5th Grade Graduation – Last week of school
*End of the Year PTO Bash/Meeting & Field Day Event - June
Box Tops
Childcare for next meeting
Food for next meeting
2023 PTO Meetings: Feb 21st, Mar 13th, Apr 10th, May 8th, June date to close out year TBD
YIES PTO Meeting
Wednesday December 13, 2023
5:45 – 7:15pm
YIES Cafeteria
Meeting called by: Parents and Teachers of YIES
Facilitated by: Jeremy Lewis, YIES PTO Pres.
5:45pm – 5:50pm General welcome and introductions – November meetings minutes approved
5:50pm – 6:05pm Committee Updates
Read a thon final results – Jeremy
-YIES raised over $14k, school gets $11,440, first check should be mailed to Jeremy today. Winners are Ms. Eccles, Ms. Arrick, Ms. Spjnelli and Ms. Anderson for Scholastic bucks. The school read 138k minutes, Jonah raised the most, River read the most. We’ve raised more each year for the last 3 years. Used for field trips et al.
Building and Grounds Committee – Mike
Shutting it down for the winter and will pick it back up in the spring.
Popcorn Volunteers – Kristen/Jeremy
If you have grandparents or other relatives. Will take help for even 20 minutes. Will cancel if no one signs up. We’re good for this week with volunteers so there will be popcorn but the more people we have the lighter to load. Come for even 20 minutes if you can.
Teacher Gift List – Kristen Teasdale/Ms. Eccles
– Has been handed out to the teachers. Ms. Flott has been collecting the information and about 2/3 of the teachers is done. The list will come out shortly to the . Bridget will again setup the sign up genius for it that will run through the end of January for contributions.
6:05 – 6:15pm Current business
Class participation incentive for teachers – Jeremy Lewis
- Ms. Spinelli is leading with 18, Ms. Baidani is second 14, Ms. Eccles is 5. We need to spread the information more on how to get points for class volunteer or library volunteer. There is a QR code – should we put it in the lounge? Will be added to the Facebook group and put at the entrance where the sign in sheet is. $500 for first place, $250 for second place in cash. Send it back out to the teachers to share as well.
Finance and spending update – Mike Fry
- October, November and December not a lot of incidentals. 5th Grade camp fund has been established that has bagel funds in it of just over $600. November we did the pizza party for count day that hit the account for $600. Spent some money on teacher development day and purchased new signs for read a thon and PTO meetings. A lot of general funds coming in and out. Copy machine around $600. First item purchased for blooming YIES Raffle – electric bike and raffle license. Funds are getting low but we will still be getting the read a thon from. This is what we can use donations for (teacher software membership). Venmo covered the ALICE training and Teacher development food. Account is sitting at just under $12k which will go lower with more blooming YIES costs but does have read a thon checks coming in.
Walkathon – Ms. Eccles
May – student councils runs and PTO supports. Kathlyn Beal will lead the Walk-a-thon 2024 as she did last year. 2023 funds were for bathroom improvements. 2024 would be a bathroom mural idea possibly. Working with Ms. Fisk to get the students involved in doing the mural.
Yearbook - Jeremy King volunteers for yearbook for 2024 to collect pictures.
5th Grade Graduation –
Last week of school – getting with the teachers on what they want done -clap out, some other ideas that we’ll bring more details about before May.
Question from Melissa Scott on zoom about status of 5th grade camp – Ms. Eccles
April 15th-16 deposit paid, and about $80 a kid. Looking to see how we can make it ongoing support for 5th grade camp moving forward. Mike said we need total cost and commitment. Eccles – with transportation, food, about $5000 to go. Melissa makes a motion for PTO to cover, it’s second. PTO will cover half. More bagel funds to cover. Location is the Howell Nature Center.
*Blooming YIES – Jeremy Lewis
Silent auction items? Need ideas and items. We have the raffle ticket items decided on – E-bike, bike helmet, visibility vest and a lock and service for the bike moving forward (purchased). Deep cleaning from the Cleaning Collective (confirmed donation). The other 2 packages are a solo stove with Firestarter items and a yeti cooler filled with beer from local breweries. Need people to sample and get donations. Will have a Tundra 45 cooler, filled with beer and booze. Kelly Schneider volunteers assist with silent auction and yeti filling. Trying to get items donated. Looking for solo stove donation. Looking for ANYTHING for auction items, coffee, gift cards, massages, get the value of the item with the item. Do we have a form letter or list of who’s donated before? We do, Kristen will send it out. Better Made is a big giver of items. Need to figure out a “go around to businesses day” to look for local donations downtown. Kristen has what we are raising money for – top 4 were hoping to raise 8-10k at blooming yies and seeing if we can do more than one. Items are 1. Partnering with Growing Hope/Farm at St Joe’s to offer fresh vegetables and solid protein to our students. 2. Discovery hallway with 6-week cycle of changing themes that offer a learning space with white boards, lego tables etc, 3. A sensory room to help students regulate themselves so learning can take place and located not in someone’s office. 4. General refresh of paint on lockers, library, learning center and hallways. What is the feasibility and cost of each and how many can we do with funds raised? Coming back to November item of raising price to $50 for tickets, Jeremy is working on the Event Bright. Doing a $45 ticket for now then $50 if you purchase late. Look out for invite link this week or next week. Teachers will still be sponsored tickets that you can purchase with yours. Still working on Childcare in the gym which is already reserved. Still need the background check and CPR approved to be a part of childcare so older siblings may be out. Melissa Scott question from zoom– in the past we gave away a bunch of free tickets for volunteers to try to allow for more of a diverse group of attendees. So far we’ve only discussed free tickets for the teachers, sponsors? Sure. What was the previous breakdown? People we knew wanted to come but may not be able to support. Goal last year was 150 tickets sold. Motion for 25 tickets for free. Let the board know if you have a family that needs tickets that can’t afford. We want the attendance to match the diversity of the school. Motion for a scholarship request form for those that need a donated ticket. Blooming YIES is the current focus. Jenn Seagrave also available to help. Tickets for sale at the first of the year. Ms. Eccles response for Melissa Scott concern to diversify the event is communicate at the staff meeting and to their parents so it’s not just coming from the PTO. Emailing the teachers more to get their involvement. PTO should come to the staff meeting in the spring. Backpack flyers in January to promote the event.
***Motion at end of the meeting to change time to 6pm – Board will send out a poll
6:20pm – 6:30pm Future business
*Science Olympiad – Spring – will get with Ms Page on what she needs and timeframe.
*Teacher Appreciation Week – May 6-10 – we will provide lunch daily, will need volunteers to organize
*End of the Year PTO Bash/Meeting & Field Day Event - June
Box Tops
Childcare for next meeting
Food for next meeting
2023 PTO Meetings: Jan 10th, Feb 21st, Mar 13th, Apr 10th, May 8th, June date to close out year TBD
YIES PTO Meeting
Wednesday November 8th, 2023
5:45 – 7:15pm
YIES Cafeteria
Meeting called by: Parents and Teachers of YIES
Facilitated by: Jeremy Lewis, YIES PTO Pres.
5:45pm – 5:50pm General welcome and introductions – Jeremy introduction
Principal Sheriff - Popcorn fundraise update – November 9th order will come in. Can come home with students or can be picked up. Food Gatherers is every other Thursday of the month for food distribution. Picture retakes is November 28th.
5:50pm – 6:00pm Meeting Presentation – Aaron Rose – Facilities update sinking funds update – current plan for roof maintenance as well as trees 5-7 feet from the building that will be removed. Maple tree near Oak and the Elm I the corner that is 10-11 feet away from the corner has weed blind over the room. The elm near the parking lot will stay. Preventative maintenance in alignment with room replacements. Kevin asked for plans to plan trees further away. We’re on a city block so there are regulations. We can work on adding some proposals for low standing. I responded that we could look into low scape which is landscape that takes low maintenance to care for. Bushes could be an example. We don’t have a budget for this type of project so funding would be a consideration. My department and budget is focused on the maintenance of buildings at this time.. Call or email with concerns ( Dr. Sheriff has his phone number.
5:55pm – 6:05pm Review and approval of September and October meeting minutes
October and November Ypsilanti Board of Education Meeting Recap (October Meeting was 10/16, November was 11/6, both are accessible through the YCS YouTube page)
5:55pm – 6:15pm Meeting Presentation – Disability Network – Renee Echols and Karen Meints – Disability awareness workshop that the 4th and 5th grade do. Renee – she/her pronoun. Daughter is in Taylor second grade class. She is blind, has been working there for a year and a half and s a social worker MSW. The Network used to be called the “Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living”. Program with AAPS for the last 20 years. Title VII. Nonresidential agency. Lessons the stigma surrounding difference. Involves parent volunteers. Karen Knights ( talks about the program. Workshop includes different stations to learn about difference disabilities as well has hands on stations regarding how things are difference with different disabilities – white cane walk, weighted gloves, jumbling number and letters. Explaining that extra time on the test may be from the student needing it. Also go around the school with a measuring tape to talk about the AADA law for wheelchair accessibility. Sometimes there are others in the community that come for afternoon presentations and dialogue. Workshop is about positive interactions, not focusing on the negative. Positive reaction from the workshop overall. Karen has been running the workshop for 17 years in the AAPS. Looking for volunteers with Parent Coordinators. It's good for parent volunteers so that they learn too and take it back to their neighborhoods and communities. The manager sets the cost and is looking at a discount for newer school districts. Questions – Justin asked how many volunteers correlations. It goes by the number of stations not the number of students. Is there a cost difference after the first year. Manager has the cost information. Jeremy will reach out to get cost estimates Mike asked – Time is 8:45-12:30 for the volunteers in the morning. She tries to send out the information about the stations ahead of time for parents to ask questions. Jeremy – what kind of space do you need – Gym or cafeteria. If weather is nice it can be done outside. Outside adds the gravel and grass for wheelchairs. Justin asked is there literature for the students to take home? Karen- yes. Need a Parent Coordinator for each school to help recruit the parents to help. 4th grade is young enough to be open and perceptive and old enough to realize it’s important. Full ages can benefit from it.
6:15pm – 6:20pm Meeting Presentation – Alisha Spencer – Committee for My Future Fund connected with the WISD. Jump start saving fund for the county. Gives everyone $25 it’s a free service. It’s income based and if they qualify they can get an extra $475. Justin asked about the budget. Started last year for 1-5 grade, this year it’s 2nd-6th. Gets the one-time donation and it grows over the life on the account.
6:20pm – 7:05pm Blooming YIES Updates
Blooming YIES Committee – Jeremy Lewis
-What are this years Booming YIES Funds going towards? Working on raffle prizes. E-bike, house cleaning, big yeti cooler with donations from local brewers to fill it. And the solo stove with some fire-starting items. Cleaning Collective had sponsored the read a thon. Need silent auction items now. Last year we had a ton of them, and we waited too long so it was a problem. Last year was successful. Need to work on childcare for the evening. We do have the gym on the calendar. Are we using the YMCA or the EMU crew. Looking for a base to build off in case it’s 100 kids or more. Question if older siblings can be apart of it. They could possibly be added but would need a background check. Prefer parents to come to the event and not come watch all of the kids. Hope to start selling raffle tickets in January and sell close to 1000. Last year started selling 2 weeks before and sold 600-700. Ticket price - $35 with one drink ticket. Should it go up or down? Kristen – one thing about the price the food and beverage cost went up 5% 2022/2023 but we absorbed the price. Doesn’t need to go up every year but should be a buffer. Maybe $50? Teachers are free. Parents by teachers a ticket. Get parents to start thinking about it considerably earlier.
Dot Storm Activity for Fundraiser – asked the teachers what they wanted us to do with the money from Blooming YIES. Kristen putting the spreadsheet up on the screen.
Readathon update – 30000 minutes mark 31061 across the school. $8400 across the school. It does go through the rest of the month. There are still 150 students that have yet to sign up. Parents help at the doors during pickup to register the students. Spinelli used the student email list and used the password YIES read that can help parents. There is a leaderboard for the $1000 scholastic bucks for raised and read.
Walk up guest - Bridget Cook – Toby’s mom and is a teacher. Snacks in the staff lounge, Kristen has a fridge team. Collecting staff’s preferences and information to match the actual staff needs. Did it last year and staff has changed so much that it needs to be done again. (Too much dairy free left after this year’s pizza for count day). They can always ask the teacher for help for cutting and laminating when needed. Trying to further organize teacher help – currently it’s done through the teachers themselves.
7:05pm – 7:10pm Past business
Class participation incentive for teachers – how is the program going so far?
Teacher representative updates – How is the Library cleanup going?
7:10pm – 7:15pm Future business
*Science Olympiad - Spring
*Teacher Appreciation Week – May 6-10
*Walkathon – May
*Blooming YIES – May 31
*5th Grade Graduation – Last week of school
*End of the Year PTO Bash/Meeting & Field Day Event - June
7:00– 7:15pm Reminders
Box Tops
Picture retakes are November 28th
2023 PTO Meetings: Dec 13th, Jan 10th, Feb 21st, Mar 13th, Apr 10th, May 8th, June date to close out year TBD
YIES PTO Meeting
Wednesday October 11, 2023
5:45 – 7:15pm
YIES Cafeteria
Meeting called by: Parents and Teachers of YIES
Facilitated by: Jeremy Lewis, YIES PTO Pres.
5:50pm – 5:55pm General welcome and introductions Jeremy did introductions and announced the paperwork – agenda, flyer with qr codes, read a thon and year of events calendar
5:55pm – 6:13pm Principal Sheriff Opening – October is already eventful. Did ALICE training with Washtenaw County Sheriffs Department last night October 10th. . It’s for the safety of the students and staff. Usually at WISD but this year they chose to come to YIES for a more intimate setting. Training for active shooter drill. Practice safety and lock down drills. They will continue to do drills throughout the year. 5 fire drills, 3 lock down and 2 tornado during the school year. Conferences start the 25th and 26th of October. Sign up information will be coming out soon. October 16th is the mobile dentist on site. Forms should have gone home already, if you haven’t received a form contact your teacher or the office. Picture day is October 18th. Make up day is in November. October 20th is a half day with 12:35 dismissal. October 25th 26th half day with the conferences also with 12:35 dismissal. Conferences will go until 7:30 pm, they are onsite and via zoom will still be an option. October 31st is the IB word parade. We don’t celebrate traditional holidays being an IB school, we acknowledge but don’t celebrate in a traditional way. We learn about all holidays and different perspectives. The Family newsletter will have a description and some pictures about learning profiles and costumes that embrace those in a fun way. There is a Parade that day. Creativity is encouraged and parents are welcome to join and cheer us on. Outside if weather permitting but it hasn’t cooperated since 2018. Parents can come at 10:30, school gathers at 10:15 and the rally is in the gymnasium. That is the month of October update. Open for questions – Jeremy asked about the bus stuff – Board of education addressed an update in their September meeting. There will be a continued shortage at the moment. Principal Sheriff updates on the effect on school– the buses do get here late but not at 11. There is some transition and the school has a system to receive students late even down to the curriculum so those students aren’t missing any curriculum or breakfast. They eat breakfast in their classroom. Morning entrance starts with staff positioned in the hallways and at the doors. Teachers are position at each classroom. Milk and breakfast is in a bag for them to collect in the cafeteria and take to their classrooms. 9:26 is the tardy bell. Late buses comes through Vought so office staff can monitor and receive their students. Ms Cardona announces them as they are coming in. They go to the cafeteria, pickup their breakfast, then head to class. Ms Paige, Rose-Armstrong, Flott and Principal Sheriff monitors the hallway. Older kids are more independent but younger kids (K-1) are escorted to class. Instruction begins around 9:50 on average. Late bus kids aren’t marked tardy. Day starts with breakfast , circle time (soft start) then instruction begins. Hopes that the transportation department is working out the hiring and contract so that this will get better.
6:13pm – 6:10pm September Ypsilanti Board of Education Meeting Recap (October Meeting is the 16th) – Input notes from Amanda Smith
6:10pm – 6:38pm Committee Updates Grant Committee – Jessica Burnside
Need to find another source to fund Camp Grizzly
Safety and building improvements. Email to come out this weekend to the committee.
Yearbook – Karen Wiard, Kari Dunkelerger Bridget Neview is here again this year to get pictures of clubs and students. Last year she was on maternity leave so last minutes wasn’t an issue, control that there is always going to be marketing tied in from Lifetouch who does our photos and their yearbook and other materials they market isn’t the same as the school sponsored yearbook. There will be communication amid the confusion between the Lifetouch and the current one that we actually send out as the school.
Popcorn Friday Committee – Kristen – we need people which is always the thing. It takes 9 man hours to get it done. Sometimes orders reach 500 bags and machine only goes 12 bags in 4.5 minutes. Issue is having hands even at 3:30 for 30-45 minutes before pickups is super helpful. Sign up, you don’t have to make the entire shift, put whatever time you can help. Question was raised to limit amount of popcorn kids can get but that cuts into funds so we won’t do that just yet. Friday morning help is needed to collect money and drop off bags at the classes. Doesn’t have to be every week, doesn’t have to be the entire time, anytime is helpful. Sign up genius on Facebook and webpage. Background checks need to be done to pop and classroom volunteering. Fill out and turn in to office or to their teachers. Will add form for download on PTO pages. It takes a week or 2 to get background back. You have to do a new one every year unless you already work for the District. Ms Flott to send out sign up genius to teachers to add to their newsletters.
Read a thon planning – Jeremy – Stickers for kids to remind you to look in their Backpack. Mike and Jeremy trying to get $12k in business sponsorship. There are flyers from the company and letters from the PTO to hand out to local businesses. It’s a simples sign up with the link and their sponsor logo shows on every kids page. 390 kids in YIES, about 250 participated last year. Supporting kids reading. There’s a link for business and a separate link for family just to donate too. Trying to get a teacher competition. Teacher and students are awarded. Looking to help parents sign up their kids so the teachers don’t have to do that. Really just need help to spread the word. Mike logged in and there is already $150. Grandparents are where it’s at. Share on Facebook. It raises money for the general fund which is mostly field trips and YES funds for teachers. Mike informs we have 2 pending requests from teacher Ms. Paige – dividers for the learning center, Fisk asked for art displays. This would cover that. Working on Getting a Lions player to come read to the kids.
Building and Grounds Committee – Mike – parent walkers can be recruited, there is a Facebook post about it with the sign up genius.1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from 4:20-5pm trying to lean up the park a little more. They picked up 4 buckets in 30 minutes last time. We have grabbers and supplies. Please spread the word.
Blooming YIES Committee – Jeremy – We have the gym available for childcare. Working on getting childcare. EMU childcare center to get some people from there and the EMU college of education. Drop kids off here, come to Blooming YIES then come grab your kids after. Trying to get a business to Sponsor for childcare. A Presenting Sponsor “Blooming YIES Presented by” And Childcare Sponsor “Childcare sponsored by”. It would cover the rental and sponsor would get raffle tickets, tickets to the events, and logo on things and maybe an email blast for the company once or twice with newsletters. By November we need to figure out the raffle items. We’ve paid for them in the past but donations would be better. Also any requests for the raffle packages. Hopefully decided on in by November. Group, email and spreadsheet to ask of teachers as to what we are raising funds for. Kristen has a form and a digital form for teachers to submit for what they want the funds to go to.
6:38 – 6:55pm Past business
Class participation incentive for teachers – Mike idea because there are 389 kids in the school but the same parents every month. Trying to spread the word through the teachers with a QR code for each event we do and have you sign in with teacher names and get them points and give the teachers money at the end of the year. Example of $750. Ms Spinelli will get a new car! How do we get more people involved and take on a 5 minute task. Spread the word to boost participation, please give more ideas. Have teachers put it in the newsletters. Write up how to get points will be sent for a copy and paste so minimal effort for teachers.
Scholastic book funds – Melissa $5000 – what are we doing with those funds
Option 1 - For new teachers to build their libraries
Option 2 - Try to buy everyone a book/ teachers pick the books.
Melissa states there are also supplies you can use the money for like beanbags. A certain amount needs to be used before the expire. Flott says to give the money to highest class with read athon participation. Can use it for most money and most minutes. Voted that the scholastic bucks goes to the readathon - $1000 to top 2 reading minutes and top 2 monies raised. Remaining is saved to buy books for the students.
PTO Library Liaison - Kristy Cooper – back after the pandemic break, now we’re starting it again we have a new library teacher Ms Naeem and we’re trying to reorganize. Looking to recruit for library volunteers. Not sure what supplies the library needs yet but she may need another book cart from the PTO. Combine classroom and library volunteering if we can to dual utilize.
Childcare for next meeting – YMCA crew again? Yes.
Food for teachers during the conferences – Jamaican food truck $550 for 50, pita pita $500, panera is $580. Voted Pita Pita is the 25th. Bagels fruit on the 26th, both are funded by the PTO.
Teacher representative updates (Eccles, Spinelli and Flott)
Motion to spend money to buy the student council t-shirts – motion passed. Bridget Neview did the teacher wish list last year for December. Was it a google form that fed into a google sheet? Amazon wishlist connected to the google sheet. Kristen added to thank everyone for the teachers lunch today. Teachers were very appreciative and it was a wash of the funds.
Future business
*Read a thon – November
* WISD - My Future Fund
*Science Olympiad - Spring
*Teacher Appreciation Week – May 6-10
*Walkathon – May
*Blooming YIES – May 31 -
*5th Grade Graduation – Last week of school
*End of the Year PTO Bash/Meeting & Field Day Event - June
Box Tops
Childcare for next meeting
Food for next meeting is someone doesn’t want pizza
2023 PTO Meetings: Nov 8th, Dec 13th, Jan 10th, Feb 21st, Mar 13th, Apr 10th, May 8th, June date to close out year TBD
YIES PTO Meeting
Wednesday September 13, 2023
6:30pm – 8pm
YIES Cafeteria Ms. Page Learning Center – There is a Grizzly White coat ceremony in the Cafeteria.
Meeting called by: Parents and Teachers of YIES
Facilitated by: Jeremy Lewis, YIES PTO Pres. Kristen Teasdale covered as Jeremy is on zoom with COVID quarantine.
6:30pm – 6:35pm General welcome and introductions
6:35pm – 6:45pm Principal Sheriff Opening -
Student growth by 60 people year over year. School is short 64 chrome books. We saw a decline in the young 5s so it was closed but we had an increase in 1st grade so that was expanded. We also were able to service more 1st grade students. 5th grade growth as well. This year we are working on a parent group and conscious discipline which we have funds through the seed grant to build more skills. It’s called “Building Resilient Schools and Homes”. There is an online course with engagement and the school is using it to help the resilience in staff as well. More to come on the time and frequency for the face to face regarding the resiliency project which will provide child care and a meal. Rose-Armstrong will be sending out this information as well as links to “Parent University” so look for an email. September events - AWEA testing has started. Assessment is done in their classroom. There is a parent guide. Bright Futures staff is meeting today and will be on sight September 18th and starting with last year’s students and will give information on new enrollees after that. Curriculum night is connecting with Fall Festival on September28th. Gun violence training and drills will continue this year. October 18th is picture day. Conferences the 25th and 26th. November 28th is picture make up day. Question from Parent Cafe - woman who does it at the library. They do one on ones and active listening that is done weekly. Update on Chromebook carts of 60 that are moved around the classes. They have
6:45pm – 7:30pm Information from Aaron Rose, Director of Facilities Director for YCS- Documents presented will be uploaded separately. Aaron gave information on the sinking fund which under current law is a millage that is earmarked for repairs not maintenance. Equipment is disallowed. Furniture is a fixture and doesn’t fall under it. Paint is a maintenance so also not covered. Looking for sinking funds for those schools to use for generators.
7:30pm – 7:40pm Approval of 2023/2024 Budget Allocations - Mike gave an update on the soccer nets from walk-a-thon from Kathy Beal. The remainder will be used to buy soccer balls. Also paint in the bathrooms and air fresheners. Recorders were ordered for music class per the 2022/2023 Blooming YIES. Budget sheet goes over the sheet that will be updated. 5th grade funds to possibly be used for 5th grade camp. Board and members agreed to the 2023/2024 budget.
7:40pm – 8pm Committees to be formed and assigned
Grant Committee – Jessica Burnside, Beth Gibbons, Preka, Tricia Piechowski
Yearbook Committee - Karen Wiard / Kari Dunkelerger.
Popcorn Friday Committee – Kristen Teasdale
Classroom Volunteer Program – Kristen Teasdale, Aimee McVay, Rachel Anderson?? Used to be more structured - Kathy Beal has done it in the past and is willing to do it again. Henry’s mom as well will help.
Read a thon planning - Jeremy does it and emails them weekly - need to get the teacher counts and getting all of the students in without parents needing to do it. Flyers will be in the kids backpacks. The company does most of it, we just remind the teachers and the parents. Parents sharing a link gets most of the funds. We raised $10k last year and we made $8500 of that. Jeremy is looking for business sponsorship.
Building and Grounds Committee - Mike Fry is taking point about contacting the city about their maintenance and we do a monthly or bimonthly to offset the city cleaning schedule. Henry’s mom, Kathy Fordyce, Courtney Miller to join. Someone mentions the Facebook group called Friends of Prospect Park. Miles Vine, Garland neighborhoods – reach out to them .Is there a scout badge for it? City has been very responsive when called to address items at the park. Kathy Beal s going to drop off mulch/dirt to fill the holes of the ga-ga pit. Need to come up with a permanent yet accessible option for the door to the ga-ga pit.
Blooming YIES Committee – Jeremy, Rachel Montgomery. Need the raffle license and need a description of the items. Parent Pavement teams to get donations - Gift cards, art, items. What is the babysitting plan? Possibly have kids dropped off at YIES for childcare. EMU children’s center as an option? Need to reach out to them around December. Last year we decided in January where the fund are going, it’s easier to get donations and sell tickets if we know what the funds are for. Plan to send email to teachers for a wish list to determine use of Blooming YIES 2023/2024 funds.
Are any additional Committees needed? – Will return to this item at the October meeting. Meeting ran long with Aaron discussing the sink fund. Meeting comes to a close.
question about school popcorn fundraiser that we have to asked Dr Sheriff about.
Sarah Flott raised teacher concern of moving meeting time to 5:30 or 6pm. Facebook poll to go out for vote of the parents.
Meeting was adjourned at 8pm. All following items will be moved to the October agenda.
2023 PTO Meetings: Oct 11th, Nov 8th, Dec 13th, Jan 10th, Feb 21st, Mar 13th, Apr 10th, May 8th, June date to close out year TBD
YIES PTO Meeting
Wednesday September 13, 2023
6:30pm – 8pm
YIES Cafeteria Ms. Page Learning Center – There is a Grizzly White coat ceremony in the Cafeteria.
Meeting called by: Parents and Teachers of YIES
Facilitated by: Jeremy Lewis, YIES PTO Pres. Kristen Teasdale covered as Jeremy is on zoom with COVID quarantine.
6:30pm – 6:35pm General welcome and introductions
6:35pm – 6:45pm Principal Sheriff Opening -
Student growth by 60 people year over year. School is short 64 chrome books. We saw a decline in the young 5s so it was closed but we had an increase in 1st grade so that was expanded. We also were able to service more 1st grade students. 5th grade growth as well. This year we are working on a parent group and conscious discipline which we have funds through the seed grant to build more skills. It’s called “Building Resilient Schools and Homes”. There is an online course with engagement and the school is using it to help the resilience in staff as well. More to come on the time and frequency for the face to face regarding the resiliency project which will provide child care and a meal. Rose-Armstrong will be sending out this information as well as links to “Parent University” so look for an email. September events - AWEA testing has started. Assessment is done in their classroom. There is a parent guide. Bright Futures staff is meeting today and will be on sight September 18th and starting with last year’s students and will give information on new enrollees after that. Curriculum night is connecting with Fall Festival on September28th. Gun violence training and drills will continue this year. October 18th is picture day. Conferences the 25th and 26th. November 28th is picture make up day. Question from Parent Cafe - woman who does it at the library. They do one on ones and active listening that is done weekly. Update on Chromebook carts of 60 that are moved around the classes. They have
6:45pm – 7:30pm Information from Aaron Rose, Director of Facilities Director for YCS- Documents presented will be uploaded separately. Aaron gave information on the sinking fund which under current law is a milage that is earmarked for repairs not maintenance. Equipment is disallowed. Furniture is a fixture and doesn’t fall under it. Paint is a maintenance so also not covered. Looking for sinking funds for those schools to use for generators.
7:30pm – 7:40pm Approval of 2023/2024 Budget Allocations - Mike gave an update on the soccer nets from walk-a-thon from Kathy Beal. The remainder will be used to buy soccer balls. Also paint in the bathrooms and air fresheners. Recorders were ordered for music class per the 2022/2023 Blooming YIES. Budget sheet goes over the sheet that will be updated. 5th grade funds to possibly be used for 5th grade camp. Board and members agreed to the 2023/2024 budget.
7:40pm – 8pm Committees to be formed and assigned
Grant Committee – Jessica Burnside, Beth Gibbons, Preka, Tricia Piechowski
Yearbook Committee - Karen Wiard / Kari Dunkelerger.
Popcorn Friday Committee – Kristen Teasdale
Classroom Volunteer Program – Kristen Teasdale, Aimee McVay, Rachel Anderson?? Used to be more structured - Kathy Beal has done it in the past and is willing to do it again. Henry’s mom as well will help.
Read a thon planning - Jeremy does it and emails them weekly - need to get the teacher counts and getting all of the students in without parents needing to do it. Flyers will be in the kids backpacks. The company does most of it, we just remind the teachers and the parents. Parents sharing a link gets most of the funds. We raised $10k last year and we made $8500 of that. Jeremy is looking for business sponsorship.
Building and Grounds Committee - Mike Fry is taking point about contacting the city about their maintenance and we do a monthly or bimonthly to offset the city cleaning schedule. Henry’s mom, Kathy Fordyce, Courtney Miller to join. Someone mentions the Facebook group called Friends of Prospect Park. Miles Vine, Garland neighborhoods – reach out to them .Is there a scout badge for it? City has been very responsive when called to address items at the park. Kathy Beal s going to drop off mulch/dirt to fill the holes of the ga-ga pit. Need to come up with a permanent yet accessible option for the door to the ga-ga pit.
Blooming YIES Committee – Jeremy, Rachel Montgomery. Need the raffle license and need a description of the items. Parent Pavement teams to get donations - Gift cards, art, items. What is the babysitting plan? Possibly have kids dropped off at YIES for childcare. EMU children’s center as an option? Need to reach out to them around December. Last year we decided in January where the fund are going, it’s easier to get donations and sell tickets if we know what the funds are for. Plan to send email to teachers for a wish list to determine use of Blooming YIES 2023/2024 funds.
Are any additional Committees needed? – Will return to this item at the October meeting. Meeting ran long with Aaron discussing the sink fund. Meeting comes to a close.
Question about school popcorn fundraiser that we have to asked Dr Sheriff about.
Sarah Flott raised teacher concern of moving meeting time to 5:30 or 6pm. Facebook poll to go out for vote of the parents.
Meeting was adjourned at 8pm. All following items will be moved to the October agenda.
2023 PTO Meetings: Oct 11th, Nov 8th, Dec 13th, Jan 10th, Feb 21st, Mar 13th, Apr 10th, May 8th, June date to close out year TBD